Revenue Model

Rapid Rush's revenue model is designed to create a sustainable and engaging gaming ecosystem, empowering both players and the platform. Our model is structured around two primary categories:

1. Direct Revenue Streams

  • In-Game Purchases: Players can buy exclusive NFTs, including character skins, special abilities, and customized parkour gear. These purchases enhance the gaming experience and offer players unique ways to stand out in the game.

  • Entry Fees for Premium Matches: For high-stake tournaments and matches, players can pay entry fees in the game's native token. A portion of these fees contributes to the prize pool, while the rest supports platform development and rewards distribution.

2. Indirect Revenue Streams

  • Advertising and Sponsorships: Collaborating with brands for in-game advertising and sponsorship deals. Virtual billboards, branded gear, and sponsored events are ways to integrate advertising seamlessly into the game environment.

  • Marketplace Transaction Fees: A small fee from transactions made in the Rapid Rush marketplace, where players trade NFTs and other digital assets, contributes to ongoing platform maintenance and development.

Player Revenue Overview

Rapid Rush offers players numerous avenues to earn rewards and generate income, turning gaming from a hobby into a potential revenue source.


This model allows players to engage in various parkour challenges within the Rapid Rush universe, collecting tokens and NFT rewards. Players have the freedom to explore, compete, and earn without mandatory pledge of token or NFT.


In the P&E model, players pledge tokens to enter competitive matches or tournaments. Rewards are calculated based on winners, with victorious players earning tokens and special NFTs. Converting the game's tokens to access premium content and matches incentivizes active and skilled participation.

User-Generated Content (UGC) Incentives for Creators

In the dynamic world of "Rapid Rush," we take community engagement and creativity to the next level by empowering our players with the ability to shape their own gaming experience. Owners of virtual real estate within Rapid Rush are not just investors but active participants and creators in our gaming universe. Here's how:

Arena Map Creation:

  • Empowering Creativity: Players have the unique opportunity to design and create arena maps for parkour races, leveraging our intuitive map creation tools. This feature transforms players into architects of their own thrilling parkour challenges.

  • Community Engagement: By submitting their custom maps to the Rapid Rush universe, creators invite others to experience their vision, adding depth and variety to the gameplay available to all players.

Rewards for Popular Arenas:

  • Recognition and Rewards: To celebrate the most engaging and popular arena maps, Rapid Rush implements a reward system where creators with the highest match plays on their arenas receive both recognition and rewards. These can include exclusive NFTs, a share of the fees generated from matches played on their maps, and prominent feature within the game.

  • Revenue Sharing: Creators of highly popular arena maps benefit from a revenue-sharing model, receiving a percentage of the income generated from event hosting, in-game advertising placed within their arenas, and any exclusive access fees.

Enhanced Gameplay and Strategic Advantages:

  • UGC as Core Gameplay Element: User-generated arenas become an essential part of the Rapid Rush ecosystem, ensuring that the game environment remains fresh, challenging, and engaging.

  • Strategic Depth: Creators can strategically design their arenas to offer unique challenges and advantages, encouraging players to develop new strategies and skills.

Rapid Rush's innovative revenue model aims to create a vibrant, self-sustaining ecosystem where players, creators, and investors alike can find value and enjoyment. By blending the excitement of parkour with the latest in blockchain technology, Rapid Rush is pioneering a new era in interactive entertainment.

Last updated